
Please review the following to ensure that we have a wonderful time together.

Booking a date

Please only contact me when you know the day, time, and duration of our date and are ready to screen and send a deposit. Incomplete inquiries will not likely get a response.

Date expectations

As a sign of mutual respect, please arrive at our date freshly showered with freshly brushed teeth.

Dates lasting more than two hours should include drinks, a meal, or an activity.

For overnight dates, I require seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.



I expect courtesy, respect, and gentlemanly behavior in all our interactions before, during, and after our time together. If I feel that there are any transgressions regarding my boundaries, I will end the date immediately with no refund.

How to present considerations

At the start of our date, please place the consideration (cash only) in an unsealed envelope in plain sight. In the interest of discretion, if we meet in public, please place the consideration in a card or gift bag. Please do not make me ask for the consideration so as to avoid any awkwardness.


I offer outcalls to four- or five-star hotels or upscale residences. For incalls, I can book a hotel for an additional fee.


Review Policy

I have a strict no-review policy. In the interests of privacy – both yours and mine – I ask that our time spent together be kept to ourselves.


I understand that unforeseen events can happen, as a student my schedule tends to be busy and my availability is limited. If you have to cancel the meeting with less than 48 hours notice, I will ask for a 50% cancellation fee payable by e-transfer.

Deposits are nonrefundable. If you must cancel, I ask that you please honour my cancellation policies.

Rescheduled Dates

Dates may be rescheduled up to 48 hours in advance.

For dates rescheduled within 48 hours of the original time, a new deposit must be placed.

Cancelled Dates

Within 48 hours ~ 50% of the agreed-upon fee must be paid.

Within 24 hours ~ 100% of the agreed-upon fee must be paid.

No new dates may be scheduled until these fees are honoured. Thank you!

New or Established clients

New clients: For Canadian clients my preference is to screen with an e-transfer deposit sent to a discrete unpublished email address.


In the case where that’s not possible you may pay a deposit via the e-giftcard of my choice and complete screening using either of the following: 


-LinkedIn (simply send a message to a discrete anonymous LinkedIn account I will provide you the link)

  -Your work email (by sending a blank email to a discrete unpublished email address)

 -Your photo ID (please include a selfie of you with your piece of ID and a photo of the ID)


 Established clients: You may reach me directly via email.


I require screening for all new suitors I meet, no exceptions. I offer one method for you to screen and it is up to your discretion to pick which you are most comfortable with.


Personal Identification: This could be a valid unaltered Driver’s License or Passport. It needs to show; full legal name, date of birth and photo. Along with a clear selfie (camera forward facing towards you, not in a blurry mirror) of you holding up the ID to prove it is in fact yours. This is my preferred method of screening. 

Deposit: Deposits are mandatory for all bookings that are made along with 1 of the above screening methods.

Ready to get in touch?

Kindness and manners go a long way, I believe you are a gentleman and will keep that in mind when introducing yourself.

Please send your initial inquiry using the contact page.